I want to listen to dozens of bootlegs of the song “We Tigers” by Animal Collective in a row and have a tribal, energetic dance with someone else with a love for the band as astronomical as mine.

And you know what? It’s fucking going to happen!!! I’m bound to find someone who’d be up for that, because there’s just so many people out there, and I’m so very un-unique – a true blessing! And, well, even if I were unique, who says I wouldn’t be able to convince some people?

Say, what’s your dream? One you think is unfulfillable because it’s too weird or out there? Streaking naked across a meadow while humming Gregorian chants? Lying on the floor exchanging syllable sounds with the rest of the group? Flying a kite on the beaches of Ireland while listening to the Beatles? Well, that sounds terrific. And it’s all the more terrific that this can, and — should you want it — will happen, whoever you are, whatever you’re after.

Just look at those bunch of friends who called themselves The Liberators. They toured Europe, made people sing along with them in metros, gathered a bunch of curious people to do some weird stuff in a park – dance mirroring, all the rest. A couple months ago, some dudes in Germany said they’d make an Eye Contact Experiment in public in Berlin, open to all. The Liberators made the event a worldwide one. Bam, several hundred people sitting around Place de la République in Paris, strangers looking into each other’s eye, in silence, or while talking to each other – with some of these exchanges lasting over an hour. If that’s possible, what’s not?

All your craziest dreams will come true, provided you act on them. You’re not alone in this world; nor in yours.

When a dream is shared by multiple people – which it always is –, and when you put those multiple people together, well, they’re all living the dream together. And it’s so LIBERATING, EXHILARATING and it makes you AWARE of all the POSSIBILITIES, all the GREAT, TAYLORED things you can make out of life, that if this doesn’t bring you infinite joy, then I don’t know what can.

Doing weird things together is one of the biggest joys of life.