Berlin will never cease to amaze me.

And I mean Berlin as a state of mind – of mine.

Moving here was at least as much a mental shift as a physical one.

The drastic change in environment made me grow wings, or rather made me realize I had wings.

All the experiences I’ve lived here, I could have lived in my hometown – or anywhere else. They just weren’t there for me to see.

With different surroundings come different lenses.

Exploring a new part of the world is exploring a new part of your world; and your world is one you carry everywhere with you.

It is completely yours to decide what lens you want to put in. You only need to know that you are wearing one.

Different people wear different lenses, and they too should allow you to discover new ones.

In the end, you will decide to spend your time with your most cherished lens, just like everybody else.

Only none of them thinks there could be a better one.

And so, explore!