At any given point, you can decide on your past. You can reinterpret your experiences using a different lens, or flat-out create a new personal history, adding in events to your liking. You are never bound to carry on being who you have been since the beginning of your life. For the duration of a conversation, of a day, of a setting, you can take on another identity, one you’ve completely made up. What difference does it make to have actually lived those moments? The time is over anyway; it’s all about now and what you (re)call. Seen from another angle, what you have decided on living is what you are currently living. You can play the part until it’s no longer a part. Believe strongly enough and those won’t be lies. You are tricking your mind before tricking others, and you might not even be tricking anyone. There are billions of lives for you to be had; put on those hats and see what they feel like. Be multiple individuals in turn; see what each of them has to offer. From this, take on a sense of irony and playfulness. Each encounter is a challenge for your identity to face — an invitation. React as would another; you don’t have to be predictable. You are not predictable, and so your actions shouldn’t be either. Be irrational; give in to your whims. Don’t toe the line. Step up. Don’t be yourself. Be yourselves. Or rather: just BE – and very much at that.