Trish Keenan has left this world five years ago, yet with her music she continues to speak to us, or rather, to each one of us individually.

Often in her lyrics, she directly addresses the listener. When she says “you”, one has a feeling she truly means it. You, the listener, “no matter who or where you are” – to quote the emotionally devastating bridge of her song “Papercuts”.

To communicate all that is possible given two willing beings, Trish assumes closeness with the listener: “There’s a place I have yet to explore, a place we have yet to conquer; and until then, none of us have anything.” It’s often nothing concrete, “just the idea”, to quote her again, and yet it leaves open so many heartening possibilites: “We’ve got time to work it out / We’ve got what numbers cannot count / Who knows to what this will amount.”

Never has a songstress been so present to the listener: her voice transcends space and time, her emanation an imprint eternal, a message of love and hope always there for whomever wants to listen…

And when you listen closely, you can see her singing, the other side of the voice. She materializes in front of you, chanting, and you suddenly realize the enormousness of it all.

Someone GONE is singing TO ME, RIGHT NOW.

Broadcast’s music is never a recollection, always an experience. Give “The Noise Made by People” a try, and see for yourself what Trish has to tell you!